LALIZAS‘Safe Up’安全梯在yacht.de的测试

2016-10-03 | LALIZAS‘Safe Up’安全梯在yacht.de的测试

yacht.de对安全梯是否可以救人存有疑问?他们决定通过在现实环境测试比较5款安全梯,LALIZAS'Safe Up'安全梯在测试中得到了第一,最终分数为96 / 100。

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Safety ladder “SafeUp” is a must-have MOB safety equipment for your boat. It provides instant aid to an overboard crewmember in getting back onboard. The overboard crewmember only needs to grab & pull the handle in order to unfold instantly the fabric ladder and climb back onboard safely. “Safeup"安全梯是您船上MOB安全设备缺一不可的。它为落水船员提供即时援助使其回到船上。落水船员只需要抓住拉开梯子的把手使其瞬间展开,就可以顺着梯子安全地爬回船上。 More information: 更多信息: