
2012-06-05 | 救生衣可以挽救你的生命!

There were 95 maritime deaths in the last five years which might have been prevented if those involved had been wearing a lifejacket or buoyancy aid. These figures were collated following the annual meeting of the Casualty Review Panel in March. 如果遇难者一直穿着救生衣或浮力辅助,在过去的五年里有95个海上死亡本来是可以避免的,该数据来源于三月伤亡检讨委员会年度会议的整理。 The panel looked at fatal maritime incidents for 2011 and, where there was sufficient information, assessed whether it was probable, possible or unlikely that the person involved could have been saved had they been wearing a life jacket or buoyancy aid. 事务委员会调查了2011年致命的海事事件,那里有足够的资料,评估如果他们穿救生衣或浮力援助是否得救的可能性。 In 2011, the panel judged that of the incidents that they considered, it would have been appropriate for 18 people to have worn some form of buoyancy. Of these, 13 would probably or could possibly have been saved had they been wearing a lifejacket or buoyancy aid. Between 2007-11 the panel considered 120 fatalities and in 95 of these cases a life could probably or might possibly have been saved had the person involved been wearing a lifejacket or buoyancy aid. 在2011,陪审团判断他们所考虑的事件,设想18人已经穿某种形式的浮力,其中13个穿着救生衣的浮力辅助的人可能会或可能已经获救了。在2007-2011,小组审议120人死亡,在这些情况下,95人穿着救生衣的浮力辅助的可能会或可能已经获救。 Commercial fishing and angling are the two riskiest activities where lives might be saved by buoyancy-wear, according to the figures collated by the panel over the last five years. 商业捕鱼和钓鱼是最危险的两个活动,根据数据整理的小组在过去的五年,穿着浮力辅助的可能会获救。 Transferring between your vessel and the shore is particularly hazardous. Twelve people died boarding or alighting during 2011 and the risk is increased further following alcohol consumption. Eight of these twelve had been drinking before they returned to their vessel. Transferring between a vessel and the shore is a situation where one would not normally be expected to wear a lifejacket or buoyancy aid. Further research will be undertaken regarding this issue. 船和岸上之间转移特别危险。2011十二人死亡在船和岸上之间转,饮酒则进一步增加了死亡的风险。这十二个人中有八个人在回到船前喝酒,除非必要,船和岸之间的转移通常不需要穿救生衣。 关于这个问题将进行进一步的研究。

Source: www.dft.gov.uk/mca/press-releases
